We are very honoured that the Schmidt Light Metal Group is the first automotive components producer in Portugal to be distinguished with the trade mark COVID-SAFE, given by APCER, after an on-site audit that ensures that all the Group companies comply with the mandatory regulation issued by DGS, ACT and IWO in order to control COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-SAFE is a certification initiative from APCER that is given to companies that comply with the guidelines established by the health and work authorities, specifically DGS- General Health Direction, ACT- Work conditions authority (both Portuguese) and IWO- International Work Organization, that awards health and safety good practices in the context of the current pandemic.
Thru the assessment of more than 200 indicators established by the authorities referenced before, the independent audit took place on the 30th and 31st July, evaluating the correct implementation of the measures and procedures defined by the Group.
We have been vigilant and alert to this matter since January 2020, when the pandemic crisis management committee was created, anticipating the adoption of protection and safety measures, escalating them whenever necessary.
We will continue to develop all the efforts needed to keep its people safe, communicating and reinforcing on a daily basis the importance of the measures advocated, both inside and outside the company.
All the efforts we have done so far in the fight of this pandemic and the commitment assumed with all the employees is summarized in the two guidelines we have adopted: “I protect you, You protect me” and “United by our values”. As long as it is needed, these will be the compass guiding our action.